
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Responsibility "Pursues the 'All', Freaking ETs"

We are meant to ride on the water, but it is our responsibility to have a tight ship.  The same water that allows us to skim across its surface, will sink us if there are openings in our hull.  Those holes in our love occurred at the Fall, with finger pointing and excuses.

I'm Responsible. I don't blame others, don't blame Angels/ETs.  I don't blame God/the One.  I don't blame me. I don't blame anybody.  Emotionally judging plants the seeds of resentment. I am responsible for the state of my own heart. It was not designed to blame anybody. 

We ride on an "emotional fluid body of love". Our heart must be pure, our vessel tight.  That sea contains all the possibilities of travel, but we are responsible, we must navigate, report to God {the One} on our progress. God is pulled into our responsibility and helps clarify our direction.

We were given guidance.  We know.  There is no one to blame.

We are responsible.

So I understand
[straight truth] R- Knights are now wuss

it's my responsibility
R- the lips stops your ram, see [be cautious R- Keiko healthy]

I shouldn't blame other people
R- All beef {resentment} with a male, can dis(h) ya [condition]

I don't blame
[be sensitive] R- Male ignored ya [be excited]

angels, extra-terrestrials
R- slide {avoidance} surfs get, slows knee {understanding, relationship, two parts working together}

I don't blame any body
[a low coming] R- male bode {habitat} ya [the Besh slowed him down] R- he love E net

because I'm the one responsible to keep my ship tight.
[Daddy, he hate me] R- the art bish, yam, beet, gold's an option (the globes and ops), we know without it {without materialism}

Thank you for all your support.
[hack hit us] R- Stroke, pursue the All(k), freaking ET(h) {extra-terrestrial/spirit world}

All of you care for me and provide me with this environment.
R- member album saying he'd have her name refreshed, Tree-a

Now that I understand
R- Knights are nay aught {everything} to, Von {from} knew 

many things very clearly.
R-healer scarsing {making obsolete} Athena {Hellenism}

I must be responsible.
R- soft he weeps some, ya

I'll be responsible.
R- Softs, he be while {patient}

I am remind by RS, that responsibility requires a balanced character.  It requires harmonization of masculinity and femininity.  It is more than a masculine display of strength. It is sensitive, passionate and patient attention. Mind over body, right over might: Lips stop the Ram. "soft he weeps some, he be while".

It is also more than feminine/earthly (manipulation) sensitivity or over-reliance on the material.  "Healer scarce-ing Athena".  We can know it without gold, technologies and operations.  "We know without it".

Responsibility pursues the "All, freaks" the Spirit World.  Responsibility is an openness, beyond self and opinions.

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