
Monday, January 18, 2010

Former Presidents Clinton and Bush Plea for Aid for Haiti

Full Forward
This Public Announcement pretty much speaks for itself.
The reverse speech of these world leaders digresses. 
What do you think is going on in their minds??..

Full Reverse

We Americans are always at our best
R- sigh brought us the law, wasn't the prime view
when we hear and heed the cry of others.
R- sir, love is our quith {as God}, the 'be' in the 'Urey' {wolf-power} hew,
When confronted with massive human suffering
R- near fussin', we be Sam, there we're offering/orphaning you
Americans have always stepped up to answer the call of help
R- boy had lock, understand it, mud bets you wa/are of his Nic-cram
But there has never been anything
R- her A-ifs silly and lying aid, there's commercial aches selling it/
    Ah thin it never vents with um
like we are now witnessing in Haiti.
R- Hede Hennison the wine will help
Today President Clinton and I
R- he high on an elk in his 'Ur'-if {wolf} bed
are joining together to appeal to you with real urgency.
R- this is your Lou {fame & war}, till he leaf, booster,
    they getting Owe-ure {play on closure}
give now
R- I envy
and lives will be saved
R- B.S. it was owl net
Thank you
R- Wake up
Thank you
R- Waking up