
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Within the minds that debate health care:

They say that “emotional” speech contains the most and clearest reversals.

Some one sent me Ed Schult’s emotional tirade on health care.  So I thought, let’s give this a try:

Where he says “Republicans lie”:

In reverse, Ed says “ Snake the lie over us


Where Ed exclaims “ They would rather make money off your dead corpse

In reverse, Ed says “ screw every awe in them…


Where Ed exclaims “ They kind of like it when that woman has cancer and they don’t have any thing for her”.

In reverse, Ed says “ in the van look at nurse ….animal…. ya want him


Here is the full reversal:


I don’t know about you, you decide………………………………….……but this is very interesting to me say the least!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Reverse Speech First Post:


What should I do now??


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