
Monday, February 15, 2010

Morning Meditation: The Natural World and Spirit World


My wife an I like to rise in the morning and begin our day with inspiring readings.  I have been checking some of the ideas in RK.  Here we read by the Lake:

link to our morning reading:

John & Keiko - Wisdom World: The Spirit World

1F- The Spirit World is connected with the Physical World, the common factor is true love, (Wood Duck flies by).


1R- Sought without a nation, snake there, I know war heck.  How fully this death, have no session higher, how Father (H- 1.5) say.  Snith Fall in her snick, her half the mock ET. Far work as if the Thune {sudden change in power}, Nic panic. Sieve our words, Sith.

2F- God does not have a body, therefore in order to manifest his body, God needs Adam {a true man} to show his face through him, that is the ideal of creation.

2R- The shape of lake there see that {we are sitting at the lake as we read}, you make yourself see, you wash, he loves his la, {note 6-feminine}  Mother Adeen's {little fire} luck, he loves itself, three numbers, not only all fight, he loves, baba, has son, so suck this.

3F- Had Adam & Eve not fallen, they would have occupied the  position of Father & Mother eternally in the Spirit World. If no fall, We would automatically go to heaven simply by attending their parents as though they were attending God  (Blue Herring flies by)

3R- Have no position near a who, that difficult quote. {female reader}  Suck, needn't they suck, how we both suck,  s(n)lither {sniff or sense} ray bath, needing this now, every look missed, nervy, boosh, know, now hard look, now read of it, low fawn need bathe, did that, rub soft lawns of sis, grow, fathers do it , they if grow more reefs sandy {soft barriers}, happenings in earnest-ty ,rhythm with new love, full, now shes dof (does) bet,  ya we hope , Father., Myth, the roofs done, be in number/ that other.                         


4F- We do then find that just as love is important in this world it is more important, literally the  substance of the Spirit World.

4R- Sorrow works Sith Va.  Set net, swastika de-lerted them, n- rook their home nev(er)ease.  A rook, sent in Earl.  May seen valves succinct {close fitting}. They now flattered you.


5F- I think the more we investigate this subject in the future we see what we do with our lives in very important because as Paul said earlier… {ducks fly in}.

5R- Necessary he may illume {brighten} make it, save enough, fear if any here, sly, Nic ya coolly,  sad, more fully boosh. They hew him sweets.  Sad Nic the whore sayer, snake, her ailer at sSs {snake} soft is physic [sniff].  Elk mirror if see.  Sailor a Thu.  Worry you owe snath(ke), salary Ry roam with jurist-ty fend me, his vast Sith digs, siphon E, roam within it.

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