
Monday, February 22, 2010

Bloodlines of Control

bloodlines  Click for link to video set (1-29) on "Secret World Rulers"

A good friend of mine sent me the link above with deep concern that we prepare ourselves as "the walls come down".

This video set presents an interesting take on history. We find that familiar biblical characters are just stage names for some of the major players in Egyptian/Roman history.  The motivation for the cover-up was to hide  "Royal Jewish" bloodlines from a hating society and maintain control.  Caesarian became "Jesus" with a desire to take back the empire by starting a new religion.  He faked his death and resurrection.  Then his rich uncle took him to Brittan {land of the covenant}.  His secret bloodline continues to this day in stealth, and controls our world.

It does seem if the theory presented in these recordings is true, our present teachings about Judeo-Christian history are a hoax.  There are so many possibilities, so many authorities present so many differing ideas. All ideas but one are wrong.  None of us were there, so how can we know the truth?

Theoretically Reverse Speaking (RS) is suppose to cut through the BS by revealing the conversation of the super-conscious that has access to the raw data of all Time and Space.  RS is extremely intriguing.  I have discovered limitations.  But it is definitely intelligence from another dimension speaking to us. If this "super-conscious" is able to shed any light at all, it would be helpful.

As I listened to the series, I checked a few of the major points for congruity. Below are samples of few of some of the most provocative statements. 

RS seems to be sounding a more hopeful note than the videos :

  • things have changed, "not now" "broke the nark pin"
  • "we'll close the net" "Elf lost Owl {ET, spirit leader}, his eye" and lost know {fame}
  • "shack buy Crown of Pain" (could that be a little shack in Korea") a change of dominion
  • we will be "Vets of valuelessness"
  • "They are One by hope-ness"
  • yachts {elite} see purpose
  • fair'n up, stay alert, she'll bite soon,
Even George Bush in his message from Auschwitz seeming to getting the message:

  • you are original beef {feed for low spirits/ET's} for feeing in it {profit from the war}, whole Ve were off with Va,  that turn the arm, Her ring our butts, hurt, yachts {elite} see purpose
  • "Fair dealers have landed"
There's a little bit of a tease in the last line of the conversation below. The speculation is a myth, with some evidence of truth. Hathor's {bride & mother of Egypt} supper is authentic.  Supper here refers to the initiation of "linage" through marriage.

  • Myth their if {speculation}, feather {evidence} did see, Hathor supper authentic {marriage supper of the lamb or Jesus' marriage}

I am convinced by this small effort, that more study will yield the surprising truth behind this subject and the many other things hidden in the shadows as we enter the age of "No Shadows". Try reversing so of these ideas yourself and see what you find.  Let me know so we can further document this "revealing".

1 These families and their descendants run the Crown Corporation of London
1R- [its a lie {this is soft EVP}] not now, One share, broke nark pin, from nose, not nice, sit her in the same breath, seethe [Its trying to pull the wool over your eyes{soft EVP}]

2 this ring of thirteen ruling families includes the Rothschild family
2R- Heal my flash fall, with sniff net, failed my F, Hill'r Reese drift veneer with Sith

3 it has it's own courts it's own laws, its own flag and its own police force (Crown Corp)
3R- [hissss] Elf see we'll close the net, Elf lost his Owl, lost his know {identity or fame}, lost his eye

4 by 1812 Nathan Rothschild crashed the English stock market.
4R- back ground parts shove needs, shack buys Crown of Pain, borrows knees, eat ya [they have know {fame}]

5- the right to live will be base on a rating of usefulness to the global elite.
5R- steal, the liar with us, sign-off swed, many the Arabs always lived in Ninevah, C I people valueless air-writhe
6- and worse of all no right to live
6R- everyone valueless, all vet soon
7- no right to choose and education, a job or even a residence
7R- sni-vus are for sale, non are viral, mars now initiate, this Dan de-zooshed it, they are One.
8- and that the new world order will be a communist world order
8R- [fascinating] her going no, send in mock, a glade moo, herd on, a liars wind is in it
9- peace on earth will be a forced peace in which citizens will have no right
9R- they are One by hope-ness, Sid-ich ill net see, Sir Ruff played blooper and not see

10- {G Bush at Auschwitz} these site are a sobering reminder of the power of evil and the need for people to resist evil
R10- whole Be it says, you're original beef for feeing in it, whole Be were off with Va,  that turn the arm, her ring our butts, hurt, yachts {elite} see purpose

11- A review of Royal genealogy chart confirms that today Israel, Great Brittan and the United States are all ruled by descendents of the Hebrew tribes of Israel.
R11- Liars save this vouch, dude be hit, listen and mess it up, lover of law earth, its the ETs that now name them, their Bear mires it, they add, that's merf, the Nics they rush, these know law English lair {resting place for animal} relieve vira {plural of virus}
12F- of their ancestral leader
12R- Fair dealers have landed lot

Here I ask a few questions (didn't save the recording to make a more natural flowing conversation)

F- It seems that if Jesus was able to do this {begin a true blood line} 
we would have evidence of it. {leadership good people}
R- give us nid a vey {mission received through love experiences}, they hinder us, say the wee little basils {kings, a plant} says Zsh there's meece, do us

F- It must be that Jesus was not able to establish that linage
R- sheen ill Vets, she'll bite soon, we'll beat an-sue, says he did heap something

F- to establish a true linage on earth
R- fair'n up, stay alert, she'll bite soon,

F- has never been accomplished
R- she'll mock and ever vents that

F- and that the purpose of the second coming is to do that very thing {establish linage}...
R- Myth their if {speculation},  feather {evidence} did see, he muck knee kiss, Hathor supper authentic

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