
Monday, November 23, 2009

A Model of the Universe, Unification Principles (Unified Field Theory) and Reverse Knowing

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A Model of the Universe, Unification Principles (Unified Field Theory) and Reverse Knowing

 As I was exploring RS, I heard this new vision of "Physics Principles" that should help us understand the invisible dimension which is the object of so much mystery.  With RK we can verify scientific principles, and with a truer understanding of the structure and operating principles of all dimensions, we can more clearly understand RS and RK.

A Model of the Universe, Unification Principles (Unified Field Theory)

See and hear this exciting unfolding of a concept for a “Theory of Everything”  by prize winning physicist Nassim Harramein.   Seven-year-olds who have heard this presentation say, “don’t all scientist think this way?”  This intuitive model of the Universe is similar to a model I have been building in my mind since a young boy.

Our first geometry lessons hampered us by creating a vision of non-existent points making lines and planes that stretch straight to endless infinity.  In this new view, all things are points, borne from a single parent point, embedded into one other, with each point containing the whole and connected to all other points.

All multiplication in our Universe is accomplished by dividing this cosmic unity.  The tetrahedron can be continually divided (a four position foundation) producing an infinity of replicated tetra.  Here Infinity is contained in something finite.  The universe is a fractal projection, continually feeding-back information to the original parent, creating infinite growth.

Unity is the harmony of Two.  Energy must be preceded by a sharing between harmonious pairs, the Parents of the energetic form. There is a remaining level of mystery, in understanding the essence of the Universal Parent and its immediate appearance in our lives.

This lecture is great!!……

Here, I reverse a recording of some of my understanding of some of the major "discoveries" from the lecture.

Unified Field Theory insights from Nassim Haramein:
R- ne murry hurrah, sane merphs stare, ne your wreathe, belief ya funny

Reality is: points within a Point.
R- [head me] hell (elf) beneath you, sn(e)ow  say eth dire

Euclidean Geometry confused us with conceptual points and straight lines
R- s(n)ay, all fear, sin is the elf, vosh pass, snake lose, sad, so we finick, ears don't lie, snay the hook V

there is no such thing as a conceptual point without "dimension".
R- snesh name, brought the will (aweful), Ohsh pass Nic {leader} is tha,  myth shash, the One sereth

Lines in reality are vectors.
R- sur rick net, healer Ra, sittin knee owl  

To enlarge scale or reduce scale, both are infinite.
R- fitten in ef in knee Ra, noah, awake sue weak  (near)earl

each point is borne from, and connected to, a parent point,
R- (fit) meowlf, boast licken, them M(e)arf, owl(wolf),  Z(see)

to form the body of the universe.
R- serve an new ea(s)the (ether), made up myth, (m)owl food

All is Holographic projected with feed back, generating a fractal image from the original parent.
R- ave beef fill, net pasture fill (feel), fire real say all

All points are "black/white" wholes (singularities),
R- see you really miss Her, so O now (a)owl bra

from the outside we see the radiant white hole, radiating out, revealing its energy.
R- He sure nay, hidden he'll leave you, One needed, He dare, oak-the-owl nay dare,  He see with many hours, a swine nerf

From the inside we see black void, which we think is empty space. 
R- see it, see messy,  Nic {leader}, V used to,  elf-wolf how by ease, see we mirror, a snath, merf fell

The radiating energy is going into this void we cannot see.
R- he snon-mac-Q el-wolf, was this meat and yoke, say string, miss aid dare eth

We see "space" as a void because we are in the "Black Hole".
R- O help monay, He'll shatrye you, he'll suck you, the owl-wolf misses He, sees you

All holes come from the original (W)hole. 
R- Our home is there in the muck, Soul Hole

All multiplication in the Universe comes from the division of this cosmic Whole.
R- hawk gives awk {multiply through language / sound}, sit(h) A, now shave with merfs muck, serve a new eunuch {or unit}, miss she home all

Spheres are the radiated boundary structures (external) /surfaces that we can see. 
R- he's snake, he who-asses (harasses) the first on earth scathe {harm with fire} , curse her sharks, seize and rob, they need the air wrytha {layer}, sir reefs

The internal structure is the a Tetra (4 position foundation) structure in vector equilibrium.
R- my ear(f) feel all weird adonai, (w)ho we eaten ate, mesh shark initiate Noah {NOAA}, mesh is if Earl, (r.o.ah) our stay is He, her shart {chart} on earth need

Wavers are not up and down motion, they are Vortexes {like tornados}, because of movement throught space.
R- See if sooth (real truth) nev voom earth, Suck keeps (sus)scan Nerf (cattle) brain, ne(t) show'em odd nip {nipple}, ne pods switch, a nurse (annus) survey O

Quanta or Matter, is the  different frequency of those 3 dimensional  wave forms or vortexes, appearing both as waves and particles.
R- myth mason now me, life's this, suck it up, miss feel sethore,  up near ache, sus-scan (her) elf mers him, mouth phone (n)us non-belief, sowth the sea, is now fear, nerf {cattle} feeden the sea her lamb, bro hot now.

A Model of the Universe, Unification Principles (Unified Field Theory) and Reverse Knowing

Here are some insights (under construction).

Say the word LOVE:... the tongue spirals outward and launches the "O". The "V" seals the sound into a "say sack". Together they form a vortex (tornado) of information and feeling that is the prototype of everything else. "O" is the essence and "V" is the package or expression. They are the "wave(vortex)/ particle" duality which is the foundation of all other structures.

The "hawk" gives "awk", the "awk gives "thawk" expresses the multiplication of the "say sacks" through different generations. Those different generations inter-flow horizontally forming more and more complex structures, but always keep a feedback connect with the "parent" structure.

We see radiating/expanding (electro-magnetic) structures as Roofs (spheres).  We see our level and below, because it is radiating to and around us.

We cannot see the contracting (gravity) void because it is above and beyond us.

But it can imprint and reach us, in our minds, sound media, maybe on the great mystery unfolding.

But in the level above us, in the void we cannot see, there seems to be a horrible struggle. In all RS I look at a segment of the level above us seems focused on earth and intends to use, manipulate, and feed off us.  Look at the evidence from this post alone:

  • Hell is beneath you, we all fear the snake, sin is in the "elf", we all finick, our ears don't lie.
  • Our home is in the muck, a soul hole, we shave in merfs muck. We are "owl food". Nerf (cattle) feed the sea her lamb. Beef fill net pasture. All say fire is real.
  • They see us, the snake harasses our ancestors (the first on earth), scathe them with fire, seize and rob them. They do it by ease.
  • The wolf-owl sees you, will suck you (but misses "V"). They are not connected to the layer above them, they need a "air writhe" and find it here. They are out of the universal order.
  • One is needed. He sees them.  He dares, the ork-owl nay dares because they live in fear.
  • Rebellious merf are in "slower verb", (low vibration).  They see only that which is "below them". They miss Va and the vrOOm; They do not connect with creator of the vibration (information and feeling).
All this is from a few notes on the structure of the Universe.
*****************************************************************************************************The expanding and contraction of the universe is giving and receiving.  Everything connect with this feedback.

RS is probably a major contributor in that important feed back loop.

To be continued.......

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