
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Returning Resurrection, Reincarnation examined with Reverse Knowing

DP- Res 1 

I decide to verify a segment of the Divine Principle (DP), one of the most inspired teachings I have discovered.  It is congruent with my preliminary investigation in RK.

DP and other teachings of Rev. Moon are realistic but with hope for restoration and healing.  God is the "One" True Parent, long suffering and just now being restored to his/her true home as our Heavenly Parent.  Spirit World (the “extraterrestrial” world in the void "above and beyond" us) has been fractured into levels between hell and paradise, waiting for restoration into the one original harmonious eternal home. 

I am especially interested in exploring connection between dimensions and phenomena linking and repairing them. I will begin with exploring concepts of returning resurrection and reincarnation. 

Below is a link to the fifth chapter of DP on Resurrection where my text is taken:

In my recordings, I experimented by leaving space between phrases.  I have a very sensitive stereo (that seems to really help) microphone and I played a soft-volume Spanish news cast to produce ambient human noise (non-English human sound).  I received some very clear and long-phrased EVP.  I listened to them in reverse and added them to the dialog.  They seemed in many cases to help clarify some issues (I do know to always remain skeptical of what I hear in a EVP):

There are 3 paragraph to this post, each with a full forward and backward recording.  Remember, when listening to the “reverse recordings” begin from the bottom.  The reverses that I hear is in bold red.  See the key at the side of the page for the meaning of the other insertions.

Section 2.4
Returning Resurrection, Reincarnation examined with Reverse Knowing

The Theory of Reincarnation Examined R-Fell one nay, the mask, gay

in Light of the Principle R-[a main pioneer] hope with sniff {sense} with Va

of Returning Resurrection R-[some ideas, soon new age] na-share is there win earth, near VA

Paragraph 1  Reincarnation

In seeking to fulfill R-[southern son lives with you] I forfeit (for fit), knee guess knee

the whole purpose of the R- [some are asian] sef(set) her whole with

providence of restoration, R- na-share its harvest sned-ith-var with Va

God has called upon R-now the vawk say thawk

many individuals and R- [in mind our futures] deny solution divinate in them

has apportioned to each R-[her eye in] she (eat) miss, show [hope] her sack [in her eyes an eye, or in her I's and I]

a suitable mission. R-[awe-sue-late (osculate)] na-shame (nation) mobed so do sa (seduce ya)

These individuals R-so is dividen {seeing divided} nay see(th) {so none see}

have passed down R-[I will not stay in another home] hots have Va {passion}

their particular missions R- sitten na-shame (nation) really keep her breath

to other individuals R-[many from Brittian here] sosh ni vidden {see,know} here with Thy(k)

of similar character R-[fill-aid  may missed you] hurt rake girl, miss Va

and circumstances, R- [scary room, wounded nightmares] suicides, some curse nay [in hell me, plant hurts, some feeding me]

gradually fulfilling R-[fun, heal it now] heal his nark [there's a letter room]

each area of mission R-[fighting cain, calling us out] heal life full(f) [a star within it]

over the long flow of history. R- (I Love You) Na-shame (nation) fire at she [they moved him, tried to make his heart, AVO sat vary you] here say foul(th) final weather val

The providence of restoration R-[they finally hear us, stay in touch] Na-share serve Va , snared a varf beth (B) [compassionate] {share that you saw Va, dominate the (B) lower energy}

begins with an individual, R-[sorried gal in, snake gal in her] most divinate, the snake you [all my pride in her, many of us see it]

expands to the family, R-[I think they need something clear and evidence see]  heal my effort for the sniefs {sniff or senses} ski [surrly bounds, look the owl. mine forever talent]

nation and world, and R-nigh borrow na n-e-shin (nation)

ultimately R-[Mares survey] Heal in net, with call [battles in the net, bad ones are healed a nation here, mission]

will bring restoration R-[Eve know this] Mesh share serve near blue

to all of heaven and earth. R-thurn Ninevah the law uth(s) [he is one with Eve (E with us)]

Although the mission R-[paranas hail us, from mouth banana] Mesh him with the law

given to each individual R-[selling beef, turn around, the answer is running from you, the crops are not ready] always live with Nic, he is nervous

may be only a part R-[all of his crackies, bad announcement] rough (strapped) pay in law, Eve been

of the greater whole, R-[terrified, in home, eating, sitting on me is ork, so help me] mole rare with Va [I, jewel upon earth, channel One]

it also unfolds R-sluff now was fawty (farty) {some humor here, I lost my focus and passed gas}

according to this pattern. R- [Digressing "OAK" Calvin, Send messages with meaning] her lifes sieve need heroaka {spiritual control or hero AKA}

Each mission R- Na-shim E ski

begins at the individual level and R-[it lies within you too] mole vowl will O(sh) divinate that,  snake give, [think rationally] sanae [see every vision]

expands its scope R-[the missions in you] orks stay his sniefs {sniff or senses} key , [a long with fire power]

to the family, nation and world level. R- all battles burrow in A ni-sheen (nation), heal my feather (father?) (ic) [hit the road]

To take an example R- mole, my ass he's going to kick it [some wear the power]

from the Bible, R- all bab within merf [love you, all think so]

the mission begun with Abraham R-my harem be thune-na-ki, nishim been a myth [shady, making my nightmares]

at the individual and R- mole she live, vitten ate ith sack [its not good here, computerize not here]

family levels was passed R- [I love It] all val will-E-am-aft (mad) nay [melf time her vey]

down to Moses R-says zoo-em, mo-ad say so [I need democracy]

at the national level and R- Va lunge shineth They [I want to see them, I want to come with em]

to Jesus R- sayes she's Nic [amazing parents here]

at the worldwide level.R- [nervous between Zoom Va] All valve, the owl wither with Vey, sayes she's did'nt nay [the knowing made me feel happy]

Paragraph 2  Reincarnation,

{prayer}: weakness, see the siriner .... sethu weeps, you want her love, the freak net(h)

Spirits who could    R-Snare Reefs

not complete their missions   R- Na-shame (Nation) earth you muck done, Nic {leader} who  [EVP- may]

during their earthly life R- feel, let(h) her in the earth

must return to people on earth R- there a(re) no beef but nerfs gifts (give) some-

who share the same type of mission R- Na-shim (nation) fa(or) fear miss setter {peacemakere} a shoe {shoe=past path}

as they had during their lifetime.   R- my heart fell, we're in you day, His say {word}

When a spirit assists   R- say {word} sack air is in O

an earthly person   R- The serf, (whom) feel ther (filter) in it

to fulfill God's Will,   R- O hi O sack life forfeit (for fit)

the person will fulfill   R-  moiph for phone the serf be(r)th {B or second}

not only his own mission,   R-Na-shim (nation) not say heal on

but also the mission   R-  Na-shameth who was, saw all of them

of the spirit   R- narrate sith {peace} Va,

who has helped him. Hence,   R- snake, might wise say yu

from the standpoint of mission,   R- Na-shim (nation) fought elf Knights and merf

the physical self R- foss soak, easy fit

of the person R-na (now) surf with Va

concurrently serves R-[sever] first seal nerk [one] Nic {leader}

as the physical self  R- foss soak, easy fitz-at

of the spirit. R-her reefs see VA 

In a sense, R- sned sinning

he is the second coming R- mock Nic {leader}, pass sa say E

of the spirit; R- [evp-sin] harried sith, money

hence, he may sometimes be called R- fall(hawk) eats, snat must see Me, sa-nigh (Sanea)

by the spirit's name R- man serves it up

and appear to be R- heep myth, her reap in it

the reincarnation R- Na-sheen (nation) near ark, near ith (earth)

of that spirit. R- [evp-sinner] now reef sad, Va

In the Bible, R- O Val man-made

John the Baptist R- [evp-sick] I've been mush

was to have fulfilled R- boy fall(f), I hurt so

the mission which Elijah R- a shell of a mission

left unfinished during R- [earth] shin {shine} if not fell

his earthly life, R- (A)owl lead her, sing her

since he received R- [satan] Bees he wi(e)tnessed

Elijah's assistance R- [snich] this is a shell le

in carrying out his activities- R-  see da-vic, as a drawing eark knee

Jesus called R- Law, sus-zesh

John "Elijah" R- naazh, shell lick

because John's physical self R- foss, slow kiss if snosh zeck heep

concurrently served R- [hit] first he'll nark Nic {leader}

as the body of Elijah. R- I shall Love Va, he love the say {word} 

Paragraph 3  Reincarnation, R- , machine Ark near(v) very, I've earths dirth this [yes if this is of new vroom]machine (e)Ark near


In the Last Days, R- [val must hear it up] see its fell on the

certain people on earth R- [waite for the minute] her annul beef new ears (earth)

are entrusted R- through this harsh mirror

with missions R- O Val, the owl borrow one osh in Na-shim (nation)

on the worldwide level. 

They must inherit and complete R-  [in this One] hare ray in it, its a myth

the responsibilities R- [i love you] see evil lives, miss snofs {sniff or senses} you

of all the spirits R- evil lives off you, earth veal mirk net

of the past R- sap Eva, snare reefs, see (sieve) all Va,

who were devoted R- they go of (off), in your woo(l)f

to the same field. R- r reef miss civic

These spirits R- there reef see

will descend R- [Necs (Nics) have a Rof says, says the lord] Ni-ass sieve VOH (blue) [a savage in a reef, deem]

to these people R-all beef, see this(th) [seine net]

and assist them R- [my eyes stiff faith] math-sis in A [equity here in what I say]

in order to complete R- steal, muck it bare on knee

the spirits R- see rafe sit(h)

own unfinished work. R-Roofs shin (sin)-if not know

Since the earthly people are, R-all beef, heal the race in this

in a sense, R-Sin I is sinner

the second coming R-in mock knee he has sit(h) {peace}

of these guiding spirits, R- [Reef is never these] Snare aches, need axe (acts), sees Va

they may think R-myth beam myth

that they are R- her eye is (B)Veth [the nats who prey on us]

their reincarnation. R-she in her nay wrathe (writhe)

Hence, in the Last Days R- See(th), tallon they put, sna(ke)

there are people claiming R-a meal, hope we sparry (rich in mineral) in it

to be the second coming of Jesus, R-[Va] says each, bring you mock-knee-cassidy myth [it in poor sidden {maybe poorly said}]

the Maitreya Buddha, R-Hallo (hollow) amerced (To punish by arbitrary penalty) in myth [therioky]

Confucius, R- [a Jin {powerful spirit} or others you sieve me] says sherreef (sheriff) Nic [who send them before that to Heck]

the Olive Tree, R-hearst Va uth (us)

or the Tree of Life. R- [hidden in there] F(ah)ell,  Va(sh) ditto [help me so much]

The Hindu and Buddhist doctrines R- snare(sh) O said loop {time} net ooded nay hit [my hammoth says it never meet, come easy]

of reincarnation R-[save maddening me, some of the sue-sax-son of the law] Machine rock near Va

interpret these outward phenomena R- [Salik is for me second] Hana mon if yur walk seeth [embarras her] her first knee [pursue a vetter-meise stroke]

but without the benefit R-[that is is nober] Steph (stuff) in egg myth, squaw thew elfs

of knowing the principle of returning resurrection. R-share a se(l)f, ne-erst, near Va, hold the snerf with, kneel on Va [love, this I've known] [serve some, what I did have meaning]


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