
Monday, April 26, 2010

Fix Me

fix me 
Here is an exciting discovery. I heard an very "tight and focused" performance of the Lovin' Life Band and thought that it might contain some very clear reversals. It contains much more than a few clear reversals. It is a complete work in reverse expressing a very deep and complex observation and solution for the state of the  human heart.

The music sounds quite good in reverse and I could hear each word rather clearly.

In forward “Fix Me” is about a broken love and another love from on high desiring to fix the broken love:

when you try your best but don’t succeed, when get what you want but not what you need, when you feel so tired but you can’t sleep………when the tears come stream down your face, when you've lose something you can't replace,  when you love someone but go to waste, could it be worse?

lights will "guide you home" and "ignite your bones" and "I will try to fix you."

The Forward starts off in a soft pensive struggle of love, and accelerates as lights brings us home, ignites our bones, and promises to try to fix us.

Full Forward of "Fix Me"

The Reverse begins in turmoil:  "we" see the deeper workings of our depressed love. Our love is corrupt, but it not just our own doing.  "we" have been spiritually influenced. "we" are fooled, given sweet verse, swayed and taken subtly into our "hate-e-hate".  If we just feel sorry for ourselves, we will continue to be manipulated. The confessional nature of the reversal deepens us towards the full truth.

Full Reverse of "Fix Me"

we stiff verse here,
(sht) we win, small we,
we'll be they
who are (whore) we?
we lack clear say, odd

I had a ship, for you 
appeared's freeze them
hate "slims" Ma
most, firmly wrong
we’re sick Ma, ya
spirits fool you
spirits freeze them
sway away O---

die, spirits fool you
[you licked his aum]
spirits freeze them
sad peace, it surprise them
he, a verse to sweet them
but slip before you
here, it squeeze them
sway/taking them to hate-e-hate-e
we hate
We---ee---shm {shame}
worst {Satan} live beyond, shell {spirit partner} lay will on
small voice beyond
need me 
porn push we on
cleaves the odd 

O A O worst {satan} own it
We're a garden of "and-We-Nim-iams"
stub-bane {one that ruins}  We weep

pull 'ucking elves, elf, we worst {satan} in you  
growl, hurl in mud,
Purple Pair We need {purple- highest color}    
his sniff was in voyage, need beyond   
[rock it] sing low, voiced in angst, need me
[God] more wished beyond, and We'll stand 
[your going to be nation]

A O We've made dew
near I was, only around the sun, We new
Spirit and Pair mesh,
beneath- us, We new 
nay, find odd in mirrors,
smart free-est in new
Her , be me good 
He say, crushed the death, the sunny, freeing you 
We in the "slow dawn" now, law, We stowed ache We knew 
We, Special Lord, should say Boy "awe(sh)-ed" in new {washed in awe} 
[I want'a join you]

The Reverse circles back to the gentle solution.  Near, "We" revolve exclusively around the sun and make dew.  Her “Be”ing brings goodness. His say crushes death and the sunshine frees us.  They are the united Spirit and Pair that "We" absolutely need.  The "Purple Pair" {Divine Couple, True Parents} bring this rebirth, this newness.  Our intelligence is freest {totally free} in this newness.  Now with Pair-ents, “We” recover our special Lordship, or should I say Child-ship, awe-washed in new.

Does anyone besides me find it simply astonishing that such a deep construction of heart-filled thought and feeling is found in a backwards wave form, authored by an intelligence not "living" on earth?  Those performing musicians are completely unaware of this deeper interpretation of their forward performance........

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Responsibility "Pursues the 'All', Freaking ETs"

We are meant to ride on the water, but it is our responsibility to have a tight ship.  The same water that allows us to skim across its surface, will sink us if there are openings in our hull.  Those holes in our love occurred at the Fall, with finger pointing and excuses.

I'm Responsible. I don't blame others, don't blame Angels/ETs.  I don't blame God/the One.  I don't blame me. I don't blame anybody.  Emotionally judging plants the seeds of resentment. I am responsible for the state of my own heart. It was not designed to blame anybody. 

We ride on an "emotional fluid body of love". Our heart must be pure, our vessel tight.  That sea contains all the possibilities of travel, but we are responsible, we must navigate, report to God {the One} on our progress. God is pulled into our responsibility and helps clarify our direction.

We were given guidance.  We know.  There is no one to blame.

We are responsible.

So I understand
[straight truth] R- Knights are now wuss

it's my responsibility
R- the lips stops your ram, see [be cautious R- Keiko healthy]

I shouldn't blame other people
R- All beef {resentment} with a male, can dis(h) ya [condition]

I don't blame
[be sensitive] R- Male ignored ya [be excited]

angels, extra-terrestrials
R- slide {avoidance} surfs get, slows knee {understanding, relationship, two parts working together}

I don't blame any body
[a low coming] R- male bode {habitat} ya [the Besh slowed him down] R- he love E net

because I'm the one responsible to keep my ship tight.
[Daddy, he hate me] R- the art bish, yam, beet, gold's an option (the globes and ops), we know without it {without materialism}

Thank you for all your support.
[hack hit us] R- Stroke, pursue the All(k), freaking ET(h) {extra-terrestrial/spirit world}

All of you care for me and provide me with this environment.
R- member album saying he'd have her name refreshed, Tree-a

Now that I understand
R- Knights are nay aught {everything} to, Von {from} knew 

many things very clearly.
R-healer scarsing {making obsolete} Athena {Hellenism}

I must be responsible.
R- soft he weeps some, ya

I'll be responsible.
R- Softs, he be while {patient}

I am remind by RS, that responsibility requires a balanced character.  It requires harmonization of masculinity and femininity.  It is more than a masculine display of strength. It is sensitive, passionate and patient attention. Mind over body, right over might: Lips stop the Ram. "soft he weeps some, he be while".

It is also more than feminine/earthly (manipulation) sensitivity or over-reliance on the material.  "Healer scarce-ing Athena".  We can know it without gold, technologies and operations.  "We know without it".

Responsibility pursues the "All, freaks" the Spirit World.  Responsibility is an openness, beyond self and opinions.